Alice Brown, Pastoral Assistant
Rev. Alice Brown is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago with a B.A. in Psychology. She is also a graduate of the Chicago Baptist Institute where her concentration was Christian Education. Currently, Rev. Brown is a graduate student at Trinity Evangelical Seminary. Her area of concentration is Urban Ministry.
At First Baptist Rev. Brown is our Adult Women's Class leader. She is also a member of the Prison Ministry Team, Adult Choir and is one of the Coordinator's of the Angel Tree Ministry.
Since 1992, she has been involved in Prison Ministry. She was a teacher/trainer for Prison Fellowship Ministries. She leads the worship at the Metropolitan Correctional Facility on the 4th Sunday of each month. She is also a volunteer Parole Chaplain for the Illinois Department of Corrections.
Rev. Brown retired from Ameritech after 25 years of service. She was a full-time retiree for five years, before going back to work for National Marine Manufacturers Association, the company that produces the Chicago Boat Show.
Rev. Alice Brown has been married to Rev. Alex E. Brown, Jr. for 17 years. She has one daughter Angela Young Honeycutt, together they share a large group of children, god-children and grandchildren.