Carol Jamieson Brown, Pastor
The Rev. Carol Jamieson Brown is the first African American and the first female to serve as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Park Forest, IL. Prior to coming to Park Forest she served with her husband the Rev. Jesse Myron Brown at the oldest Baptist Church in Chicago the historic First Baptist Church of Chicago.
Pastor Carol received her Masters of Arts in Theology from McCormick Theological Seminary and her Masters in Education from Loyola University of Chicago. Her Bachelors of Arts in American Studies is from Barat College of the Sacred Heart in Lake Forest, IL. Although she holds two masters degrees, Pastor Carol continues to be a lifelong learner attending workshops sponsored by American Baptist Churches USA and earning continuing education units. As she learns she also shares and has presented workshops at the Black Church Education Conferences and serves as the PIE representative for the region.
Under her tenure, the First Baptist Church of Park Forest has returned to a full time ministry for children and youth. This newly re-established ministry, named Kingdom Seekers by the participants, emphasizes the praise of God through music and includes Praise Dancers and a Children’s Choir. The Adult Sunday School Class and Wednesday Adult Bible studies which she teaches have approximately 50% regular attendees. Those who are unable to attend have lessons available each week via e-mail. As an outreach to the South Suburban religious community, and with the full support of Pastor Carol, First Baptist Park Forest has also been the host for the Park Forest Combined Churches Sacred Choir Concert, the Inter Faith Thanksgiving Service, and the site of a concert by the gospel singers “Chords of Gold.”
Pastor Carol’s commitment to children and youth is not limited to those in her congregation. She has also traveled to Ghana, West Africa to participate in a project to train children to become self-sufficient for their own survival. Additionally, she has traveled with teens from ABC/MC to the National Youth Gathering in Estes Park, CO and has served for nine years on the Board of ABC/MC Camp Grow.
Pastor Carol strives to be a servant leader, never asking anyone to do anything thatshe is not willing to do herself. She can be counted on to chauffer those in need to medical appointments, church meetings, and grocery stores. She comforts those in need during times of sorrow and attends important church member family events. She is a true blessing to her congregation.
Pastor Carol and Rev. Dr. Jesse M. Brown's daughter Jasmyne A. Brown is married James Roberts. They have two children Jamieson Alexander Michael Brown Roberts and Jackson Andrew Brown Roberts.