Pastoral Assistant

Rev. Dr. Ashley Phaipi
Ashley N Phaipi was saved through the evangelistic work of the Evangelical Baptist Convention (EBC) in Northeast India. His journey of faith is instructional because an older brother in the Lord mentored and encouraged him in the faith and was instrumental in leading him into theological study.
He graduated from Yavatmal College for Leadership Training (YCLT) in South India with a Bachelor of Missiology in May 2002 and he went back to his home state and finished a Master of Divinity program at Grace Bible College (GBC) in May 2004.
After graduation from GBC, he worked with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), India, with particular focus on Discipleship Training School (DTS). He was trained at DTS and continued on the DTS teaching staff for those who newly join YWAM. Through YWAM he reach the unreached with the Gospel in Northern India, and even neighboring countries like Bhutan and Nepal. Through DTS, he saw numerous students released into church planting, evangelism, medical ministry and mission organizations. He served the Lord with YWAM, India, from September 2004 until July 2008.
Then he went home to work as a Missions Promoter in the Missions Department of EBC, from April 2009 to August 2011. This position covered twenty local churches within EBC, where he would go and preach to motivate congregations to go for missions or support missionaries through finance and prayer. Many times he also got the privilege to step into other ministries preaching and doing counseling, at children’s Gospel Camps, Evangelistic Weeks in Schools, Vacation Bible Schools, Youth Camps and Rehabilitation Care Centres.
God opened a door for him to come to Chicago on September 3, 2011. He received his M.Div and D.Min Lutheran Theological Seminary in the Doctor of Ministry program. He is the Pastor of the Chicago Zomi Bethel Church.
He is married to Rev. Dr. Chingboi Guite Phaipi and they have three daughters.